Mentor Information
The most important component to the Sew Teach Me™ program are the mentors. A mentor can be any adult with sewing skills who is interested in reaching out to students between the ages of 8 and 18. Mentors are usually matched with one student. A STM coordinator will set up the first match and both the parent and the mentor will have each other’s contact info. The mentor will contact the parent to arrange mutually agreeable dates and times. She will then put them on the STM calendar.
Sewing machines have been purchased by or donated to the STM program. Each machine has a manual and a sewing caddy with basic sewing supplies and the tools for each individual machine. A variety of threads are available. Kits have been pre-cut and packaged so that each student can select one. At the first session the mentor and the student will have a name tag, and each student can sew their tag to a piece of felt and add a ribbon to wear around the neck. This allows the shop staff to know the children’s and mentor’s names.
To be a mentor you will:
- Be a competent sewer.
- Fill out a mentor application by clicking on the link above. Print and fill it out, then scan or take a photo and send it to the email on the bottom of the form.
- Pay a fee for a background check so that parents and guardians of the students feel secure in the match.
- Complete a Sew Teach Me™ mentor training.
- Complete a Mentor Release and Waiver of Liability.
- Be matched with students that fit the mentor’s available dates and times.
- Determine mutually agreed-upon dates and times for sessions that will work for the mentor and students.
- Mentors will be responsible for scheduling times on the STM online calendar by using the link on the Mentors Only page. The calendar will include times when matches cannot be made because of shop classes or events.
- Carry out at least 4 sessions with students, each session lasting up to 2 hours.
- Will arrive at least 15 minutes before each scheduled session to set up sewing machine and materials.
Ideally each mentor will work with one student at a time, but sometimes there may be two students per session. We would like the mentors, parents and students to plan their sessions so that the basic lessons are completed within a 4-to-5-week time frame. Each session will last for approximately 2 hours, sometimes less depending on the student’s schedules.
Sew Teach Me™ is designed so that the mentors and students work independently of the host shop. There is a STM cupboard that has everything the mentors need, and this is explained during the mentor training.